Glute medius and glute minimus almost completes the opposite job of the glute maximus. They are responsible for abduction of the hip (taking you leg out to the side of you body as if you were making a star shape), where the glute maximus is part of the muscle team the adducts the hip (taking the leg back towards the body). The glute medius and glute minimus medially rotates the hip (rotating at the hip joint so that the leg moves in towards the body) whereas the glute max laterally rotates the hip (rotating at the hip joint so that the leg moves away from the body) Think about the clam exercise. As the leg opens out and the hip rotates laterally the glute max is working. However on the way back to the body the glute med and min are responsible. Why does that exercise build so much? Well you are using the glutes to open and close the leg. Its important to keep the hip still so you get the work in both directions. The glute mediu...